Can you guess which word you'll end up repeating if you read it out loud? Change of name, colour, font... The new era of the Iberians begins!
I am Alex, the fourth generation of Don Ibérico ( the one in the video ), and also the leader of this leap into the blue void that we have taken.
You don't have to be very observant to see everything that has changed on the website: colors, fonts, new products, new formats, new style. We promise that everything has a reason for being. We haven't gone crazy (yet).
The bottom line is that thanks to you and your trust in us, the Don Ibérico brand has become too small for us . If we went into a little more detail, we could tell you how the application of the Iberian Standard is applied to us in a different way than to a gourmet store, an online platform (like Amazon) or your trusted delicatessen. We could also detail how this leads us to hit walls again and again: prices that make it impossible to compete and cover expenses at the same time, seeing how the consumer is deceived without being able to do anything... And of course, we could describe the unequal struggle that was destroying us and that we faced day after day. But we don't want to depress you.
At the time we decided to create Donibéricoshop to separate manufacturing and sales, but it was not enough. So we have decided to break with everything and change completely. New year (in April), new life.
The new stage of Monjamon begins and more. We are the same: same quality, same sausages, hams and shoulders. But we have also improved: more products, more formats, better offers, better service. Now we have it all.
And the colours… well. The world of Iberian pigs has too much red and black. It was time to introduce new tones that are more similar to what we are like: younger, more up-to-date, more modern, more daring.
We will continue working on the website for a little while longer, so if you see any changes or something that doesn't quite work, don't worry. Contact us and we'll fix it.
See you on the web!