Acorn-fed 100% Iberian Ham (PATA NEGRA)
Poducto Gourmet de la más alta calidad.
- Product intensity: 9 out of 10
- Sustainable Product
- This product accumulates cashback
This 100% Iberico de Bellota Ham has a characteristic that not all hams on the market have: the black seal.
Do you know what the color of this seal means?
It is the seal of highest quality that can be awarded to a ham, and indicates that the piece comes from a 100% Iberian pig: a pig that apart from being fed during the montanera months with acorns (the most appreciated in the world of ham) is the son of a 100% Iberian father and mother, both registered in the Genealogical Book. In other words, this piece is the excellence of acorn-fed ham.
The black seal is synonymous with quality, taste, luxury, elegance and purity. If you are one of those people who is passionate about Iberian ham, who values the true flavor of a slice of ham, this unit is for you.
Quality at the best price: “Summun Ham”.
To assess the quality of this piece, it is convenient to know its history. Each of these legs comes from a 100% Iberian pig, they differ from the rest of the pigs due to their totally controlled feeding from birth. We can say that the fattening of this type of pig has become a true art.
By buying a piece qualified with the black seal, you will buy quality, flavor, aroma and pleasure. Pleasure? Yes, savoring a slice of this ham is a real pleasure, while you eat this ham your body experiences a unique sensation. The taste that this piece offers in the mouth will make you and your loved ones feel special.
Are you ready to savor true excellence?
If your intention is to surprise and surprise yourself by tasting a slice of ham, you must acquire this piece. We assure you that it meets all the highest quality standards, it is the jewel in the crown of the world of ham, a unique and select piece that will bring a plus to your table.
Buy this 100% Iberico Bellota Ham qualified with the prestigious black seal from home.
In less than 5 minutes you will have your order made without having to go to any store, start enjoying the advantages of buying online from this very moment. Do not hesitate to ask us any type of doubt you have, we will gladly solve it for you.
Enjoy this exclusive 100% Iberico Bellota Ham…
The intense flavor of this piece accompanied by a glass of quality red wine will offer you an incomparable sensation in the mouth. It is perfect for any special occasion.
Imagine the face of that special person after trying a slice of this 100% Iberico Bellota Ham (Black Seal). Said person will undoubtedly be impressed and grateful to have the opportunity to try and taste a ham as exclusive as this piece is.
Don Ibérico: "Whoever tries it, wants more!".
As experts in the ham sector, throughout our history we have verified that those people who have purchased this 100% Iberico Bellota Ham (Black Seal) have enjoyed a unique experience and have wanted to repeat that feeling of enjoying a Ham Acorn of great quality.
This fact is not the result of a coincidence, the slices of this Acorn-fed Iberico Ham have a flavor that leaves everyone who tastes them happy. A plate of this ham will fall short on any table.
Opinions of our clients.
Our most select clients have given us their satisfaction whenever they have tasted this unique piece. This says a lot about this ham, we can assure you that there are families that have made the enjoyment of this type of pieces a tradition.
Sometimes we receive comments about this 100% Iberico Bellota Ham (Black Seal) that move us, on one occasion a client told us that he had discovered the technique to unite his family: buy one of these 100% Bellota Ham legs Iberian. He told us that he surprised his guests with some dishes of this delicious ham at a family meal and everyone was so impressed with the taste of his slices that they told him that the best dish of the entire meal was, without a doubt, this Ham. Iberian.
In short, we can say that this piece is rated 10/10 by our customers: it is an exceptional, different and unique ham.
How to identify a 100% Iberico Bellota Ham?
This ham is different both for its flavor and its appearance. Our 100% Iberico Bellota Ham legs are characterized by their elongated and stylized shape, their black hoof, their narrow shaft and the golden color of the fat.
The cut of this unit is unique, numerous veins of fat are drawn on it, accompanied by small white dots that indicate that it has a low salt content and that it has undergone a slow curing process.
The taste of this ham is sweet and smooth, when you savor one of these pieces you will see the true pleasure of life, its fat full of nuances will explode on your palate producing an explosion of flavors.
Its aroma is also characteristic for its intensity and balance, worthy of a piece of superior quality.
100% Iberico Bellota Ham (Black Seal): a true art.
Obtaining each of these pieces is the result of work worthy of admiration. The flavor that is obtained is not the result of chance, there is a special process behind each slice of ham.
The 100% Iberian pig is fed on acorns for most of its life, and finally during its fattening stage in the montanera it is fed with grass and other natural resources.
Do you have a restaurant and want to offer your customers a quality product?
This ham is an excellent purchase for both individuals and professionals. If you have a restaurant and want the best for those most demanding customers, don't hesitate! Buy this 100% Iberico Bellota Ham and include it in your menu.
A plate of ham of this type will fall short for your most select guests, they will ask for more! Reinvent yourself and acquire this unique piece. There are customers who value quality and you will more than amortize each leg of ham you buy.
In addition, having a piece of this type will give your restaurant a higher cache. Your best customers will speak well of the visit to your premises after tasting a plate of this very special ham.
Do you prefer the whole piece or the ham sliced with a knife?
There are two types of people: those who want to cut their ham, and those who, on the contrary, appreciate that the ham is already cut.
At Don Ibérico we have thought of our customers and we want the best for them, that is why we offer you the possibility of buying this fantastic 100% Ibérico Bellota Ham (Black Seal) sliced with a knife.
Our professional experts in artisanal knife slicing will take care of everything for you, preparing the ham in comfortable envelopes, so that it is ready to be served in an excellent presentation.
Don't worry about cutting the ham, we make it easy for you.
The best hams for less than 100 euros
The best pieces for less than 100 euros are clearly not going to be whole hams, but rather packs of sliced black-sealed ham.
Let yourself be advised by our team of experts, contact us and tell us what piece you are looking for.
The satisfaction of our customers is our greatest achievement, we work every day to offer the best service and satisfy everyone who decides to make a purchase in our store. For this reason, we put at your disposal both our phone number and our email for any questions.
We will offer you the information you need before buying such a select piece of ham, such as this one, which is certainly not a black serrano ham.
Recommended by Don Ibérico.
From our store we grant, without a doubt, the "stamp" of recommended to this ham. Why? Because it is one of the best hams in Spain and allows the person who buys it to enjoy a true gastronomic experience.
If your intention is to enjoy a ham full of flavour, aroma and, above all, quality, buy this ham and you will be satisfied.
And finally, below, you can see the ingredients contained in this 100% Iberico Bellota Ham.

· Nutritional information (Average Values per 100g of Product):
Energetic value | 1476KJ/100g - 353Kcal/100g |
fats | 20.1g/100g |
Of which saturated fatty acids | 6.56g/100g |
Carbohydrates | 0.9g/100g |
of which sugars | 0.5% |
protein | 42.2g/100g |
Salt | 4.17g/100g |

Monjamón Plus - Subscription to Iberian Ham and more.. From €50/Delivery
75,00 €
55,00 €

Vertical Tasting of 4 Qualities of Knife-Sliced Ham
46,50 €

The Chosen Pack Product of the year 2025 by Monjamon
46,50 €
34,88 €

100% Iberian Ham and Sausage Pack. Special for Shures
78,00 €
58,50 €

(Pack Don't cut yourself) - 100% Iberian Acorn-fed Ham + Rioja Wine
140,45 €

(Don't hold back pack) - 100% Iberian Ham + Beer
139,50 €

(Don't cut yourself off pack) - THE CHOSEN ONES - PRODUCT OF THE YEAR - 100% Iberian Acorn-fed Ham + Sausage
178,00 €

(Pack Don't cut yourself) - 100% Iberian Ham + Sausage + Beer + Reserve Wine + Cheese
211,33 €

Create your personalized basket with a 5% discount
14.400,00 €

(Pack Don't cut yourself) - THE CHOSEN ONES - PRODUCT OF THE YEAR - Ham Shoulder + 100% Iberian Acorn-fed Sausage
221,00 €

(Pack Don't cut yourself) - 100% Iberian Ham + Cheese
140,08 €

Iberian Longaniza Acorn-fed Chorizo (200-250 grams)
12,00 €
7,95 €

San Chichón | 100% Iberian Acorn-fed Salchichón
23,44 €
22,00 €

Monjamón + Cheese - Cured Cheese Subscription.. From €15/Delivery
30,00 €
25,00 €

Monjamón + Beer - Subscription to Craft Beer.. From €15/Delivery
30,00 €
25,00 €

Monjamón Plus - Subscription to Iberian Ham and more.. From €50/Delivery
75,00 €
55,00 €

Vertical Tasting of 4 Qualities of Knife-Sliced Ham
46,50 €

The Chosen Pack Product of the year 2025 by Monjamon
46,50 €
34,88 €

100% Iberian Ham and Sausage Pack. Special for Shures
78,00 €
58,50 €

(Pack Don't cut yourself) - 100% Iberian Acorn-fed Ham + Rioja Wine
140,45 €

(Don't hold back pack) - 100% Iberian Ham + Beer
139,50 €

(Don't cut yourself off pack) - THE CHOSEN ONES - PRODUCT OF THE YEAR - 100% Iberian Acorn-fed Ham + Sausage
178,00 €

(Pack Don't cut yourself) - 100% Iberian Ham + Sausage + Beer + Reserve Wine + Cheese
211,33 €

Create your personalized basket with a 5% discount
14.400,00 €

(Pack Don't cut yourself) - THE CHOSEN ONES - PRODUCT OF THE YEAR - Ham Shoulder + 100% Iberian Acorn-fed Sausage
221,00 €

(Pack Don't cut yourself) - 100% Iberian Ham + Cheese
140,08 €

Iberian Longaniza Acorn-fed Chorizo (200-250 grams)
12,00 €
7,95 €

San Chichón | 100% Iberian Acorn-fed Salchichón
23,44 €
22,00 €

Monjamón + Cheese - Cured Cheese Subscription.. From €15/Delivery
30,00 €
25,00 €

Monjamón + Beer - Subscription to Craft Beer.. From €15/Delivery
30,00 €
25,00 €

Monjamón Plus - Subscription to Iberian Ham and more.. From €50/Delivery
75,00 €
55,00 €

Vertical Tasting of 4 Qualities of Knife-Sliced Ham
46,50 €

The Chosen Pack Product of the year 2025 by Monjamon
46,50 €
34,88 €

100% Iberian Ham and Sausage Pack. Special for Shures
78,00 €
58,50 €

(Pack Don't cut yourself) - 100% Iberian Acorn-fed Ham + Rioja Wine
140,45 €

(Don't hold back pack) - 100% Iberian Ham + Beer
139,50 €

(Don't cut yourself off pack) - THE CHOSEN ONES - PRODUCT OF THE YEAR - 100% Iberian Acorn-fed Ham + Sausage
178,00 €

(Pack Don't cut yourself) - 100% Iberian Ham + Sausage + Beer + Reserve Wine + Cheese
211,33 €

Create your personalized basket with a 5% discount
14.400,00 €

(Pack Don't cut yourself) - THE CHOSEN ONES - PRODUCT OF THE YEAR - Ham Shoulder + 100% Iberian Acorn-fed Sausage
221,00 €

(Pack Don't cut yourself) - 100% Iberian Ham + Cheese
140,08 €

Iberian Longaniza Acorn-fed Chorizo (200-250 grams)
12,00 €
7,95 €

San Chichón | 100% Iberian Acorn-fed Salchichón
23,44 €
22,00 €

Monjamón + Cheese - Cured Cheese Subscription.. From €15/Delivery
30,00 €
25,00 €

Monjamón + Beer - Subscription to Craft Beer.. From €15/Delivery
30,00 €
25,00 €

Monjamón Plus - Subscription to Iberian Ham and more.. From €50/Delivery
75,00 €
55,00 €

Vertical Tasting of 4 Qualities of Knife-Sliced Ham
46,50 €

The Chosen Pack Product of the year 2025 by Monjamon
46,50 €
34,88 €

100% Iberian Ham and Sausage Pack. Special for Shures
78,00 €
58,50 €

(Pack Don't cut yourself) - 100% Iberian Acorn-fed Ham + Rioja Wine
140,45 €

(Don't hold back pack) - 100% Iberian Ham + Beer
139,50 €

(Don't cut yourself off pack) - THE CHOSEN ONES - PRODUCT OF THE YEAR - 100% Iberian Acorn-fed Ham + Sausage
178,00 €

(Pack Don't cut yourself) - 100% Iberian Ham + Sausage + Beer + Reserve Wine + Cheese
211,33 €

Create your personalized basket with a 5% discount
14.400,00 €

(Pack Don't cut yourself) - THE CHOSEN ONES - PRODUCT OF THE YEAR - Ham Shoulder + 100% Iberian Acorn-fed Sausage
221,00 €

(Pack Don't cut yourself) - 100% Iberian Ham + Cheese
140,08 €

Iberian Longaniza Acorn-fed Chorizo (200-250 grams)
12,00 €
7,95 €

San Chichón | 100% Iberian Acorn-fed Salchichón
23,44 €
22,00 €

Monjamón + Cheese - Cured Cheese Subscription.. From €15/Delivery
30,00 €
25,00 €

Monjamón + Beer - Subscription to Craft Beer.. From €15/Delivery
30,00 €
25,00 €