Your prayers have been answered!

He knows very well that you love ham, and even more if it's good! (Of course, that wasn't hard to guess). Now that your prayers have been answered, it's time to fulfill them. Attain the heavenly flavor worthy of the gods. Let me tell you.
Tired of always doing the same thing and of all the convents making pastries and sweets; sweets and pastries… I felt the call to do something different. After years of silence and prayer, one day the truth was revealed to me:
Sagrada Paleta, Lomonasterio, Choricielo, San chichón and Monjamón. All 100% Iberian and acorn-fed and ready to eat!
There they were. Within seconds they were gone, but I was clear about my mission:
I moved heaven and earth until I found them, and to my surprise, there they were, my revelation made reality! The five chosen ones! Together with the Don Ibérico team in Guijuelo, we got down to work, working together, And here we are fulfilling my mission and spreading it throughout the world. Today it has reached you and now that you know the truth, help us spread it!